| Its that time of the year again..... You know that time where we say 'out with the old and in with the new'. We had a little snow here. Just a little. But at least this time it stuck on the ground for 24 hours.
I start back to work tomorrow. Oh joy. I think I would be more looking forward to it if I wasnt so damn sick. Ive had bronchitis for over a week now. Its not a bad thing except for the coughing up of my lungs. I feel like I cracked a few ribs while doing so. Nothing in my sinuses. Which is a good thing.
What scares me the most is the fact that I have such a severe fear of suffication. So when I get to coughing, the stuff in my lungs tends to block my airways and I panic a little. Thanks to an inhaler, it helps a little. Needless to say, I have been up most of the night all week.
The Christmas holiday came and went and then New Years Eve snuck up on me. This day is also my father's birthday. I can honestly say that I have not spent this day with him at all in my entire life. He is usually at hs brothers house for it. Its a day that he also shares as a birthday with one of my cousins. I guess they usually have a pretty big party there.
This year was a little different. He left on Thursday morning to spend the weekend there. Its two hours away from here. I usually call him shortly before midnight on New Years Eve to wish him a Happy Birthday. This year I didnt have to. He called me on Sunday morning to let me know that he had been to the hospital there and that he was now back home waiting for my couisn to pick him up and take him to the VA Hospital here.
Apparently he can eat but it wont go through his intestines. He has had a few surgeries for blockages in his stomach and intestines before. One surgery was the removal of an intestinal tumor. I asked if he needed me to bring him down there and he told me that he was ok but wanted to get it all checked out.
In the meantime I went out and finished up some shopping that I needed to get done. I completely forgot to get cat food. She had enough to get her through the night though.
I came back home and got the call that he was back home with some medications to take. They will run some tests on him this week to see whats up. But they couldnt find a blockage. I hope its nothing serious. I know, pretty sad happy birthday huh?
So anywho, Christy calls me to chat a little. Her and Maz arent going to stay up to watch the ball drop. I was on line with my friend from Norway and shortly after his New Year began, he passed out. He said he would be back on but I knew he was exhausted.
While on the phone with Christy, Cami wanted me to do something with her hair. I dont know, something about what Miley (Hannah Montana) had done with her hair. I told her that I would 'in a minute'. Sure enough, 60 seconds late, she appeared. This time I told her in about 10 minutes. And sure enough, 10 minutes later she appeared. Sheesh. Ok so I fixed her hair like she wanted it.
I stayed on line with a couple of friends to ring in the new year. One of them being KC. I love this girl dearly. We had a few laughs and a few cries but we were celebrating it together. My mom called earlier but I called her at the stroke of midnight. Mouse said she was out doing laundry. LOLOL Typical of my mom. But I was able to talk to her a few minutes later.
In my family, for as long as I can remember, we always ate fish on New Years Eve at the stroke of midnight. Fish is the symbol of prosperity. So eating it at the begining of the year pretty much means you are holding out for a prosperous new year to come. I eat alot of fish and Im still not a millionaire.
So here comes the fun part. I totally forgot to bake the fish ahead of time. Yeah how stupid of me, but I was too involved in the conversations I was having. At about 11:54, I remembered it. I ran to the kitchen and found the package in the freezer. It said that I needed to bake it for at least 30 to 40 minutes. Well, uuummmm, Im thinking that I dont have that much time to do so.
Only one option left. Microwave it. Its already prebreaded. Mrs. Pauls to be exact. So anywho, I plop a piece on a plate and shove it in the nuker and pop the buttons for 3 minutes. Come on, come on, cook damnit. Three minutes later the dinger goes off and I open the door.
Ther eon the plate was this little shriveled up piece of something that I cant really find the words to describe. Its cooked. And there are about 2 minutes left til the ball drops. Ahh the hell with it. I grabbed the bottle of ketchup and run back to my room. Ketchup always solves most food problems.
So I squirted some on the plate and proceeded to hack through this piece of shoe leather. Wasnt happening. So I ended up stabbing the entire thing and put it to my mouth while the count down started. Upon the stroke of midnight, I was knawing on this hard piece of rock that Im sure was once a nice tasty filet of cod. As my friend Madre Farbot put it... "Well, err, nothing like a bit of sole i guess." LOLOL The cat ended up with the rest of it. Im sure I will find it around the house somewhere tomorrow.
The fireworks were lighting up the sky near by. Im really hoping that this year will be a good one.
Happy New Year to all my friends. Love you all bunches.
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