Wednesday, December 20, 2006
 | Tis the Season... Well here we go with another weird weather season in NY. Its warm one day and freezing the next. Never fails. For the past few days, Cami has been coughing. Just one more week til we have a whole week off. Come on kid, you can hold off.
Yesterday morning she was coughing something wicked though. We had to go to school becuase, well, I have to be there too and there is no one here to babysit her. So I gave her the meds and off we went.
All day yesterday I felt achy. I mean pain. My back hurt right where the bottom of my lungs are. Nothing in my head yet though. Oh shut up. I know the comments coming for that line. LOL
By about 10pm last night, Cami puked in bed twice and I was feeling like a truck hit me in the ribs. Im sorry but Im to school tomorrow and neither is she. Those that know me well know that when I complain of pain or being sick, Im serious.
This morning I wake up about 3am and Im still wearing the sweats I had on last night. Thats very odd because I hate wearing clothes to bed. No I dont sleep nekked. I wear a tshirt at least. Thing is, last night I was freezing and not sweating. Another sign that something isnt right.
The alarm went off at 6:30 and I hit the snooze. I cant call in til after 8. Ten minutes later the alarm goes off again. I hit the snooze again. This went on til about 20 minutes after 8. Yes I was that lazy that I wasnt going to reset my alarm. So every time it went off I would hit the snooze and roll to the opposite side. Back and forth.
My body is killing me. My head is pounding. Cami is coughing and puking again. I called in and its ok. Im sure I will hear about it tomorrow. But right now, I dont care. Why am I even sitting here writing this.
I just took a drink of pepsi and my stomach almost hurled. Ok, thats not a good thing. Im going back to bed. |
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