Thursday, November 16, 2006
 | What the heck did you do? This one will be a little confusing. Even for me to write.
I picked up my daughter at school today and it was actually warm outside. Yeah can you believe it? But I thought there was a tornado because the wind was whipping everything around. Yeah picture me standing outside with all my hair blowing around trying to light a smoke. Fun times there.
So anyways. The bell rings and Im standing outside the doors waiting for them to open. One more week of that folks. Whoohoo. Then I will be on the inside for the rest of the year. So the doors open and a wave of about a hundred kids come pouring out. Trust me, its best to stand on the sidelines. She comes out with two lollipops in her hand. One for good behavior and the other for her 5th star piece for good behavior all week. But here is the catch. She also tells me that for recess tomorrow she has to sit in the Time Out Room. Hmmmm.... I knew something was about to happen because shes been so good all year so far. The shoe dropped.
So I asked her why she has to do that. Whoops. That was a huge mistake. I should just translate the conversation.
Me: So what happened? Her: I dont know. Me: You get in trouble and you dont know what you did? Her: I guess. Me: You guess? Her: I didnt do anything. Me: Thats not what I heard. Her: What did you hear? Me: That you had to go to the principals office. Her: Yeah. Me: What for? Her: Because I followed someone. Me: Huh? Her: I was called a follower. Me: But what did you do? Her: I didnt do anything. Me: You had to have done something to go to the office. Her: I followed. Me: You just simply followed someone to the office and got in trouble for that? Her: No. Me: Then tellme what you did. Her: I followed ~~~~~ and ~~~~~. Me: So you got in trouble for that? Her: Yeah. Me: What did you do to them? Her: Nothing. Me: Did they do something to you? Her: Yeah they hit me and pushed me. Me: Did you hit or push back? Her: I didnt hit or push. Me: Then what did you do? Her: I followed them. Me: And that got you in trouble? Her: Yeah. Me: Is there a referal written up? Her: Yeah. Me: Do you have a copy of it? Her: A copy of what? Me: The referal. Her: What referal? Me: The one you just told me was written up on you. Her: Oh that. Me: Yeah. Her: No. Me: I want to know exactly what you did to get a write up. Her: I didnt do anything. Me: We just went through this. Her: I dont know. Me: How about we start at the beginning. Her: I dont want to do this again. Me: Not this. What you did. Her: Oh. Me: So what happened? Her: I followed someone. Me: Why did you follow them? Her: Because they hit and pushed me. Me: Ok we established that already. Her: Yeah I know. Me: Ok.. Where did you follow them? Her: Down the hill. Me: Aha!! Her: What? Me: You know you arent supposed to go down the hill. Her: Yeah I know. Me: So thats what you got written up for. Her: Well yeah. I tried to tell you that.
Do you have any idea how many times I beat my head on the steering wheel? Just to get that simple little answer took us the entire ride home. So I leave you with this little tidbit. She already has her future planned out.
Shes going to be an actress because shes a drama queen. Shes going to be a public speaker because she constantly talks. Shes going to be a politician because shes an escape artist. Shes going to be a lawyer because she can talk her away around topics and confuse the hell out of you.
OMG, Shes going to be president!! *faint* Gawd help us all. |
Cool! A girl for President! When she becomes prez can I have Australia?
I admire you for being able to keep your cool after all of that.
Some people say tha I have more patience than I should. LOLOL
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