| In a nutshell.... The past few weeks went by in a blur. I have so much all jumbled up in my brain that I have this need to push it all out. I will fill you all in on everything but in no certain order.
Its sad to say that this morning Godzilla went to that great steamed up bathroom in the sky, or where ever spiders go when they get smooshed. I had stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. He in turn decided he needed to join me there. Ummm Nope. Sorry buddy, only room for one in this room and you have to go.
I went in search of something to swat him with but I didnt want to leave a mess. Ok scratch that. No matter what I use, it will leave a mess. Well the first thing I happened to grab was an empty ziplock bag box. I tiptoed back into the bathroom and hes literally running across the walls. Not like he can easily hide. Whack!!! See ya!! Im awake now.
Friday my daughter was sick. Thankfully we didnt have school. If we did, she would have had to miss a day. She had crawled into bed with me at about 4am and she felt a little warm. At about 530, the cat started to make her coughing noises. Always a good thing to wake up to. Nothing like cleaning up a "tube" first thing in the morning.
So Im now up. Cami is sleeping so I let her hog the whole bed. I pushed the cat out on to the kitchen floor and wouldnt you know it, she stopped making the noise. Oh well. Saved me some paper towels.
About 11, Cami was sitting in my room watching tv when she said her stomach didnt feel good. She went into the bathroom and coughed a few times. She then spit a few times. Nothing much of anything coming out. I gave her some juice and let her lay on my bed to rest.
About 1pm I grabbed something to eat and she said she was finally hungry and wanted a hot dog. Ok, let me rephrase that. Demanded a hot dog is more like it. I figured that nothing happened with her stomach earlier, why not let her have a hot dog.
I made it for her and she sat down and started eating. If you dont have a strong stomach, stop here and continue reading further down. Well, she took about 5 bites and then ran to the bathroom. I heard the heave and rolled my eyes. I knew what was about to come next.
I heard the sound of it before I heard the cry for mommy. I got up and gathered the necessary tools of the trade. Paper towels, trash bag, carpet foam. Yes carpet foam. This is something that happens enough that you know the sound.
What happened was when she ran into the bathroom, she didnt have enough time to flip up the lid on the toilet. So yeah, it went all over the lid. What do you think she did next? Yep, you guessed it. She flipped up the lid and proceeded to finish into the bowl. Now all that stuff that was on the lid, where do you think that all went? Yes, carpet foam. A must needed cleaning tool.
Lets see. What else has happened? Oh yeah. On Thursday, the kids had a big surprise day. They got to do something that very rarely happens in their little lives. About a month or so ago, the kids all raised a caterpillar. They had them in little tiny cups and fed them every day. Then when it was time for them to change, the kids put them all in a box with viewable sides and top.
All the caterpillars made their cocoons all around the top of the box. Soon they all emerged into beautiful Painted Lady butterflies. They fed them like that for a few days. On Thursday, we had such a beautiful warm sunny day. We gathered the kids outside and opened the boxes. The kids were so excited. I love butterflies and this was an experience even for me.
I had never held a butterfly before. I had at least four of them on my hand at one point of another. The kids were holding them and watching them fly away. Cami wouldnt touch one though. She held one on a stick. But she got to see it up close.
Im trying to think of what else has happened that was note worthy. I will have to come back with a part two for it. I just remembered that I need to send some pictures out to her teacher. Oops.
Vomit and butterflies. Kinda like life in a nutshell, isn't it?
Keeps me entertained. LOLOL
Cool activity, with the butterflies. Sorry Cami was under the weather (with such messy results).
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