Saturday, January 13, 2007

TCP Part Two....

Ok, so now where were we? Oh yeah. Sitting patiently waiting for the ceremony to begin. Its actually about 10am by now. We still have an hour to go.

He proceeds to tell me that if I ever need to use the toilet, that its down the hall into a dungeon. Yeah, ok. I will remember that I dont need to use the men's room. I will go to the ladies room instead but thanks for the details of the room.

More people are gathering inside. The seats are filling up. I know hes uncomfortable. But he says he likes the chairs once you have sat in them for a while. I look back and I see my sister and Tiff. I try to get their attention but they just ignore me. I thought I yelled loud enough but apparently I didnt. Just kidding. I did get up and chase after them though.

They left their stuff with us. Not that I mind. Pile it all up in the chair next to us and then no one will sit there. I can deal with that just fine. So Tiff comes back wearing her gown. She put these cute little diamonds all around her hat. I like it. But she hates the color of the gown and says that it should have been green like what they wear while in school. Yes, the gown is dark purple. Grape purple to be exact. I thought it was a nice color but she hated it. My sister, Judy, is also in this class and she has to wear it too. Shes "graduating" today as well. You go girls!! I hate that saying but its funny to say it to them.

So now they leave to go back out to the hall. Its about 10:30am now. Everyone comes walking down the aisle and sits in their area of seating in the front. The first thing out of my father's mouth is that they didnt do the march and we didnt all stand up for them to enter. I told him that it wasnt time yet for the actual ceremony and to just be patient. Yeah right. I heard this for the next 15 minutes.

I took some pictures and even ran down front to grab one. Im using her camera because, dummy me, forgot mine on my kitchen table. But I did grab the batteries. Usually its the other way around. I have the camera but cant use it because the batteries went dead.

There was a professional photographer taking pictures and thats why they were all gathered in the first place. He just couldnt understand it. Then they all left to go back out in the hall to get organized. Now hes understanding it all. Whew. There were a few late comers. Good thing this wasnt the real deal.

But there was one girl that stood out of all the others. I dont mean this in any way to be a bad thing. She just caught my attention. She was big. She scared me. She was very popular though.

Well soon they announced that everyone should stand. Ha!! I knew this was coming. He said, its about damn time. I knew that was coming too. Then they started to play the march. I knew what was going to be said next. He elbowed me and said, I told you so. Yep, you sure did.

The staff and all the big named people came down first and took their places on the stage. Then the candidates for graduation came next. I think its funny to say that. They couldnt wait two more months to do this? Shrug.

They all came down and stopped to wait for some to take their seats. That one girl stood by me. I suddenly felt very small. Soon everyone was seated and they started out with some speeches that were very good and emotional. Some were amusing. Then they annouced the high achievers. The big chick got that award and I heard my father say something that nearly knocked me out of my chair. He said that of course she got that award, because if she didnt she would do a power drive on someone. Oh my gawd. I should have expected that one but I didnt.

Soon they were announcing the degrees and certificates. One by one they were called up and received their little wanna be diplomas. Thanks for that quote, Tiff. LOL I ran up to try to get a picture but the camera didnt do what I wanted it to do. Maybe because my finger covered the flash by accident but I wont truely admit to that. Shhh... I did that more than once. But I did get a good shot when they were both together.

After everything was done, we waited til they came back to get their stuff and then I took some more pictures. We went outside and I was talking to them for a little while but noticed that my father was walking away. I guess that was my cue to leave. He said he wasnt about to spend any more time out in the cold.

Okay, so I run to catch up to him and nearly stepped on a dead bird when I jumped the curb. I also nearly got hit by a car. But thats besides the point. That bird was just gross.

So we get to the car and low and behold, there is no ticket on the window. By the way, I forgot to mention that he was still complaining about that during the ceremony.

We get in and start up the car. Now he asks me how to get out of here. Yeah ok, like I know. Hey, just follow all the cars that are all leaving at the same time and one of them will get you to the main road. Yeah, thats a good plan. So he does. And it worked.

Now we are back on the right road. But it divides off again and we turn onto Washington Avenue. We are still on the right track. But he gets in the left hand lane and to stay on Washington Avenue, you need to be in the right hand lane. I told him this and he didnt believe me but oh well, we ended up on Western Avenue. They all go to the same place but he wanted to be on Washington Avenue. So I made him take a right turn up the next block and put him back on the right road again.

Oh yeah and he did mention again at how they didnt use the parking meters on weekends. He went on to tell me that he lived in an apartment in Albany about 40 years ago. Times have changed since then. Alot. And he went on to tell me how much he hates that city. I can agree with him on that one.

All that said and done, we agree to pick up Cami and head to the mall. I needed to get something there and he wanted food. Nothing unusual there. We grabbed her and we were on our way.

Congrads to Tiff and Judy!!! Love you both!!!


Blogger wa11z said...

Congrats to everyone. Sounds like quite the adventure. This was a "normal" day for you?

9:42 AM  
Blogger BC said...

Today I sat on my rear and did nothing. I do mean nothing. We had an ice storm and I wasnt able to get out. But he did call me up to argue with me about his printer working but the scanner part wouldnt. *shrug*

5:59 PM  
Blogger Taylor said...

I have only one question; did the large woman remind you of grimace, in the purple gown?

3:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. She was the black female version of Andre the Giant.

She was really funny though and she was pretty. Just big.

4:35 PM  

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