Monday, February 05, 2007

I think Hell just froze over...

If I hold my legs together and take a deep breath, I can be a popsicle. Please dont ask me which flavor. Id go for lime but green isnt my color.

It is so friggin cold out. Currently it says that it is 1F but I know its much much colder than that. This morning I was getting ready for school and in the mean time I also emptied the trash to put in the barrel on the back porch. Im thinking that I should have worn more clothing when I did so. I wont go into detail, but some of my body parts screamed. I had just gotten out of the shower and had a towel on. Yes my porch is sealed in so no one can see in. But the over all effect was just like when you stick your tongue to a frozen pole. Not very pleasant at all.

Time passed on and finally Cami and I head out the door. Fully clothed, mind you. I warmed up the car and off we went. The roads were frozen and buckled. I heard this thumping noise as I drove. I actually got out of my car to check for a flat but I was safe. It was the road. Good thing. I was not about to fix it. But then again, I could have called in and told them that. It would have been one of those days that was perfect for going back to bed. Ahhh. Nothing like warm blankies.

I had to make one stop to pick up a kid in my class and then made it to the school on time. We all get out of the car and the kids run for the building. I can run in boots. Yes. I wore boots today. You know its too damn cold when I actually wear boots. Winter ones at that. Well I get to the door and there is another teacher there as well. She was all happy about the winter weather. I took a deep breath and my nostrils stuck together. Nope. I still hate winter.

Now lets jump back in time to last night. Holy cow it was cold. Oh forget the cow. Shes prolly going to give out icecream instead. I went out to go to a superbowl party. It was way up north. About a 45 minute drive. For the average person anyways. I make it in less time. The fun thing about this trek is that I know the roads very well. I used to drive them all the time before. It was a party at my friend's house.

But the place is way up in the woods right on a lake. Winter is always fun because they have snowmobiles. Well Im sorry but Im not doing any riding in this freezing cold. When I got there about 4ish, it was 10F with an extreme windchill. I would have to be totally insane to do that. The roads up there were a little slippery because there are farms along the way. The open land was where the wind blew the snow across the roads. I made it to the trail to go in to the house and it was plowed nice for me. Mind you that I have a sports car. Yeah stupid me huh?

So I get to the house and parked in the driveway. I get out and nearly lost my nose. Not from the cold but from the sweetest puppy. Truely the best. I really miss Holly though. It was alot of fun to hang out with friends and all that stuff. We went in and watched the most horrible pregame show I have ever seen. What the hell was that? It was like watching the rainbow bowl. And the commercials were just as bad. The game was decent. I left at half time. I just couldnt bear to be subjected to more. Prince was performing. 'Nuf said.

As I was leaving, I had a hell of a time getting out. The road was a little slick and a slight upgrade. My car sucks in snow. I am seriously thinking I need a truck. Yep. I definately do. The drive back down was treacherous at best. Those same snow drift covered roads were now frozen even worse. So yeah, it took me the whole 45 minutes to make it back to the city. But I called to let him know I was home safe.

Oh and the Colts won. I guess Hell really did freeze over.


Blogger Taylor said...

So my guess is you arent a fan of Purple Rain...

On an upside Colbert Report was funnier tonight because of this weather, it prompted many global warming jokes.

11:09 PM  
Blogger TheWriteGirl said...

Yup, cold. Plenty cold. Lotsa plenty cold. And just think, six months from now we'll all be going on about how hot it is.

7:11 PM  
Blogger wa11z said...

Prince and freezing weather. What a combo.

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know its cold when you cant sneeze. LOL

I wasnt worried about Prince. I was worried about LaBomba wondering where his pants went. LOLOL

*inside joke to the Join Me thread*

5:58 PM  

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