Friday, September 22, 2006
 | I just dont get it... Current mood: angry I am completely baffled how some people actually get the jobs they have. Does it require special training to be totally clueless?
Last year one of the schools here laid off all their paras due to budget issues. These people then went around all summer bumping people out for their jobs. Those of lower seniority lost out big time. I know that because I am one of them. I was bumped out five friggin times.
Where I work also determies where my daughter goes to school. I cant be in two places at the same time. I dont have a morning or afternoon sitter. There is no one else that can pick her up or drop her off. Even if a bus came, there is no one here to put her on it or take her off it.
Needless to say that I have to get a job at where she goes to school. Last year, about half way through the school year, I was offered a better job at one of the magnet schools. I accepted. Also while taking that spot, I had to transfer my daughter there as well. Which was a benefit to her with the curriculum they offer.
So far this year, I havent been able to find placement. I know for sure that there will be three spots opening up at the school I want to be in. But I have to wait til those jobs are officially posted. I called over the HR office just a few minutes ago and I was told that they are not aware of this at all.
The part that is completely burning my ass is that I just received a call for a job interview that I really cant say no to. To say no to an offer puts me out of the loop again for a postition at the school I want. I then have to reapply for a job. I have done this five frigging times already.
The other reason I dont want this job is that to take it, I have to pull my daughter from her school and hopefully get her into the school Im working at. This is frustrating. Now if I take this job and the ones at her school open up, you bet your ass Im going back to the original one I wanted. Thus also moving her back with me. IF there is still an opening in the classroom. There is a set regulation for this because it is a magnet school.
But this is the whole thing that completely pisses me off. The school that called me this morning said that I come highly recommended for the job and they want me. This isnt giving me much of a choice in the matter to say yes or no. Im about to bust a vein in my skull.
This is the same school that laid everyone off last year. |
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I know how bad jobs can suck, trust me. Just do what I do when the going gets rough - pretend you're a game show host.
Im better looking than Bob Barker. ;o)
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