| My Fair Lady.... On Wed the 16th I went to the fair with my daughter and my father. Its something that we do every year. And this fair I personally have gone to every year since I was born. Never missed.
So here we are as usual getting out there early to get a good parking spot up close. My father has a handicap tag because he cant walk far so that helps too.
Immediately when we get there all I hear is.... Mommy, I want some cotton candy. Honey, its only 10am. You are not getting cotton candy right now. But Mommy, Im hungry. Honey, in about an hour all the food vendors will be open and we will get lunch. But Mommy, Im hungry now and Im tired. You know that cotton candy will wake me up and then I wont whine. Honey, you need to chill out and stop getting all logical on me.
Moving onward toward the midway just to wander til everything opens up, I hear the next level of complaints. Mommy, I want to go on the rides. Honey, they arent open yet. But Mommy, there are people working on them. Yes, there are but they are still setting things up. Its still too early in the day. Ok.... Mommy, can I have cotton candy while we wait for the rides to open up? Honey, how about we wait til just before we leave the fair to go home. Later I will get you some cotton candy. Ok but we better not stay long then.
Oh geez... Its not even officially the time for them to be open in the morning and shes already started. Anywho, by about 11 we had already gone through some jewelry vendors and I got her a new italian charm bracelet and four new charms. I myself got 4 charms but I deal with that company and have an order out for more anyways.
Now she knows what time it is and that means lunch time. Grandpa, can we go get icecream? Nope. We are going to eat lunch first. Grandpa, can we get it and save it for when we are done? No we will get it when we are done eating. Grandpa, Mommy said I cant have cotton candy right now but will you get me some?
So now comes lunch. She orders a hot dog with fries and a small drink and sits down to eat. She finishes the hot dog simply because she was hungry. But she didnt like the fries. So she said she was full and her tummy was hurting her. So Grandpa ate her fries. Nothing new there.
She whined until we were done eating and moaned and groaned about a sick tummy. She does this to get attention and hurry up and lets leave the table sort of thing. Doesnt work with me though. I know all the tricks. So I said, Well since you are full and have a sick tummy, that means no icecream. Sorry Grandpa, looks like just you get some.
Mommy, can I have a drink of what you have? (Soda) Sure. Wow Mommy, my tummy feels so much better. But I should only have a little bit of icecream. Vanilla please. Never fails what she does. Pulls that one every time. So yeah Grandpa gets her some icecream and they both sit and eat it. I dont have any because I cant eat it.
So now we start to wander the fair some more. Mommy, can we go on the rides now? Not now because you just ate. But Mommy, I promise not to puke. Ha... at least not on me anyways. Nope, no rides yet. Mommy, can I get my cotton candy now?
We make our way around everything to the back area where they have all the big draft horses. If anyone knows me well enough, this is my fave area. I love these horses and I love to watch the shows. She loves them too so she goes up and pets them. Mommy, can we ride them? No honey, they are someone elses horses and these arent made for riding. Mommy, can you go ask if we can? No honey, we cant do that. You know that.
Onward we go and she knows whats coming next. The school house. She loves this place because its one where one of her ancient ancestors went to school in. So she tells Grandpa to have a seat in the park and listen to the bands while she goes to see the school. In we go and she gets a box of crayons and a picture to color from the teacher in there. They do this every year and the teacher that volunteers knows us. But this time is different. The teacher knows we will be there for a while and asks if I will fill in for her if other kids come in. Ok... Not like Im going to be doing much else for the next hour. So she leaves and I sit at the desk. A few kids come in and now we are having fun.
Poor Grandpa is sitting outside wondering if we snuck out the back door or something. So he comes in and checks. He takes a seat on a bench and waits for her to finish coloring. And he waits and he waits. About an hour later shes still coloring and chatting with the kids. The teacher has returned already and Im about to move on because its hotter than hell in there.
Next stop is the ponies. They have a small petting zoo there and there is also a tent set up for pony rides. Of course now I get about 4 tickets for her to ride 4 times. She loves this part and I dont mind her riding these. When I was her age I already had my own horse. This is natural for her. So shes having the time of her life and Im not listening to her whine about cotton candy.
After that is over we head back towards the front area which is also where the car is. Grandpa is worn out from walking. Mommy, can we go see the hay maze? Ok... Let me find somewhere for Grandpa to sit first. So off we go. On the way to the hay maze is the bunnies. Of course we have to stop there. And then the area with the baby chicks being hatched and all that. She checks all that out and goes to the hay maze which is right next to that barn. In the mean time Im watching the eggs hatch and the baby chicks falling all over each other. It was entertaining.
Ok kiddo, time to go home. Mommy, can I have my cotton candy now? Ya know what? Sure you can. So we go and get a bag and head out to the car. Whew.... what a day and shes happy. About half way home, that bag is half empty and shes passed out cold. Who would have thought that all that sugar would have knocked her out. I need to try that trick again.
We get home and about 2 hours later I hear... Mommy can I have a snack? No because you will have dinner soon. But I want the rest of my cotton candy. No you can wait.
I took a shower and I came into my room and shes at my desk reading a book. I know she couldnt get the rest of the bag of cotton candy because I have that well hidden but I know she had something. I just dont know what. Im also too tired to bother looking for it.
About ten o'clock after she went to sleep, I was sitting here doing my usual stuff when I started to run my toes on the carpet. I do this out of habit. But this time my toes hit something wet. Oh gross. The only thing that went through my mind was that the cat had been under there earlier and you know what kind of presents cats can leave.
So I rush up and go to the kitchen to grab some paper towels to clean up the mess. I get down on my hands and knees expecting the worst. Not something I wanted to do tonight after smelling all that fair food all day. The mixtures of all that tends to turn my stomach. But I was prepared for the worst and I moved my chair only to find a piece of paper where my foot was.
I remove the paper and start to plunge in with the paper towel and what should I find?
A glob of orange jello. |
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