Thursday, August 10, 2006

Im still here....

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Im still here

Current mood: exhausted

I know its been a while since I have written anything. Its just been really crazy. Last week I had something happen. I woke up one morning and all hell broke loose in my mid to lower back. Yeah it was a real pleasure cruise.

First I woke up and I felt the pinch. Knocked the wind out of me. I scrambled to get out of bed and the damn cat wouldnt move. It was more of a chore to move her than it was my chair thats next to my bed.

Anywho, I make it up and Im literally walking on my toes to find the heating pad. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I finally find it about a half hour later. In the least likeliest places. On top of my dresser. Yep. Not like I look for a heating pad there all the time. My dresser is not in my room though. So that counts for something stupid.

Well now comes the fun part, finding a plug that is near a place for me to lay down. Nope. Not happening. Damnit. There goes that bright idea. Hey it was a good idea. Just a stupid idea to have the couch in the wrong spot.

I remembered that I have some ludicaine patches somewhere. Yeah somewhere that I cant find them. So once again off I tiptoe around the house, groaning in pain. Im barely breathing because it hurts so bad.

My daughter finds them for me. Smart girl. They are on the top shelf of a cabinet in the kitchen. Well crap for that. How the hell am I supposed to reach them? She then reminds me that we have one of those grabby things for short people like me that cant reach way up high.

Ok now where is this grabby thing? I tiptoe around the house some more. Didnt have to go far because she comes running out of her room with it. Yeah like I would have ever found anything in her room. That place can be an archiological dig.

So I reach up and get the box of pain patches. Ahhhh relief is in sight. Oh wait. The pain is in my back right below my shoulder blade. How am I supposed to get these things on there? Yeah the thought of an out of body experience did cross my mind. Hey, it could happen. Just not today. Sorry folks, Im not that good under this kind of pain.

So the only thing left to do is to have her put a couple of them on for me. I gotta hand it to her, shes a smart kid. She knew what to do. She didnt like how they felt though. That was an expression that could have been a kodak moment if only I could operate a camera in this time of pain.

Anywho, after a few days now, the pain has eased up and I was using Ben Gay patches because for the life of me, I couldnt see how the pain patches were making it better. The pain went away but the knots didnt. So yeah for a couple of days I smelled like menthol. Not like Whosies washer but the medicated kind.

I would also like to point out that on Monday I was forced to readopt out Buddy. I know some of you will miss the fun midnight posts of this crazy kitty but something went terribly wrong. He developed a very bad dominance over Sara and he was attacking her every chance he got. When I mean attacking, I mean pouncing on her and biting the hell out of her neck.

And when we tried to pull him off her, he would bite our hands and claw at us. Not a good thing. He needed to be in a home where there was no other animals. Where he could be the sole attention getter. He was a very cuddly kitty and lots of love except when Sara was around.

Also something thats been going on. Back in June, I lost all my fish. Not that they ran away or someone stole them. They all died of ICK. I got 3 new sharks for my birthday. Two large and one smaller to match the size of the one shark I had in there. Well that one smaller one was infected and I didnt know it til it was too late. The ick, in turn, wiped out all my other fish in a matter of three days. I tried to treat them but it was a mess. I was truely devastated to lose my two very large blushing angel fish that I had for 6 years.

So my tank has remained empty all this time. I love fish and its been dragging on me all this time. Well I talked to my daughter and since her birthday is Friday, she helped me completely clean out the tank and reset it up again. So I will take her to the store to get her some fish to put in it.

I will let her pick out what she wants, within reason, in the tank and she can learn how to take care of them. Its a very large tank so this should be fun. She already said she wants, in her words, a big gold fish with bulging eyeballs. You know the kind that look like their cheeks exploded. Such a sweet child she is. I think she needs to watch less tv now.

She also wants very colorful fish. She mentioned the little blue striped ones. I call them neons. Yep, those are the ones. But she also wants new angel fish. Hard to explain to her that the angel fish will eat the neons. She argued that the angels will only eat feeder fish. Ummm... hello, neons are the same size as feeders.

When we get to the store she will see that for herself. She also wants something with spots. She couldnt remeber the name of them but I know she means Cory fish. They are the little bottom feeders that look like they have little mustaches. Ok we can get those too. They are cool.
If I had my choice in restocking this tank, I would be getting a Pacu and an Oscar but if I know her, she will be missing a finger or two later.

Back to Sara now that Buddy isnt here. Before he came, she was so far up my ass it wasnt funny. She was supposed to be my daughters cat but turned out she wanted to attach herself to me. I had a shadow everywhere I went. Even to the bathroom. Hello kitty, I can pee by myself just fine. There is only one door to the bathroom. Dont worry, I dont plan on jumping out a second story window any time soon.

Well while Buddy was here, she was always fighting for her usual spot on the bed and for my sole attention. I couldnt give her that because I was too busy pulling him off the drapes or putting bandaids on my hands.

Well now that hes not here anymore, shes back to her ole attention mooch self. As Im typing this, I have to remove her from my keyboard. So shes sitting on the arm of my chair being a royal pain in the ass but I love her dearly.

So tomorrow, Thursday, Im going to finalize my fish tank to get it completely ready with a new filter and all that jazz. Oh wait, today is Thursday. Yeah it is because its almost 2am. Damn I need to sleep. Not happening though because Im still getting stuff ready to call my ISP to hook me up with my laptop.

More on that when I am more awake. I have some fun stuff to write about that too.
Good night and sweet dreams to anyone still awake reading this. Or good morning to those whome I know will wake up and jump to come in here to see if Im still alive.

Should I bother to edit this? Nah.... Im going to bed.


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