Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Thursday, July 13, 2006


Current mood: tired

Buddy has this thing of wanting to be friends with Sara and shes just having no part of it. As the sun goes down, the demon kittys awaken. Its now to the point of her standing in the doorway and he zooms past at lightning speed. Too fast even for her to hiss and swipe at him. He then hides under a part of my blanket that has fallen and hangs over the bed. Little kitty stalker. He hides in there waiting for her to walk by. But she doesnt.

So he instead comes out and catches her from behind. She spins around and smacks him. He runs into the kitchen with her following. The open space allows her more of an angle. He slides in and she tosses him down. Funny thing is, he sits up and looks around asking what the hell just happened. A little stunned, he goes out into the other room to regroup himself for round two.

A few minutes later, he comes flying into the kitchen but he forgets that the floor is slippery. His paws hit the floor about halfway in and he slides right into the back door. She in turn, is sitting there wayching and crouches down for what is to come next.

Under the table is a cooler and a small storage box. He thinks by hiding up on top of these that she wont see him. Bad news for you Bud because shes waiting for you. He pounces, she swats. He tumbles. Round two victory goes to Sara.

I watch them from the safety of my room and shes just sitting there watcing him. He lifts his head and surveys his escape. Nah, he just puts his head back down. She takes this as a chance to come running back into the bedroom but he catches her foot. She swats again. He ducks this one and then he chatters at her. Oh now hes trying to smooth talk her. This wont work either. She hisses at him and walks away. But she makes the mistake of heading into the other room and he chases her.

In and out they go. Back and forth. Tag you're it. Nope now you're it. She hits the kitchen and stops. He comes barreling in from behind and cant stop in time. They both tumble into the door. She gets her bearings and smacks him hard this time. He takes it. Hes breathing hard. Shes breathing hard. He puts his head down on the floor and proceeds to take a rest.

She gets up and walks past him. Claiming victory again she takes a drink from her dish and starts to clean herself. He gets up and runs into the other room. Of course she ignores this. I can hear him fumbling around out there with something but Im not quite sure what. A few minutes later he returns to the kitchen with his feather wand toy and drops it at her feet. Does he think shes going to pick it up in the air and let him chace it? Im thinking not. She has no use for this thing.

He sits and stares at it. Willing it to move. Its not going to move on its own so he runs back into the other room and returns with one of his tinkle balls. He drops this at her feet. She swats the ball across the floor and he chases it. Shes not following. I think this is frustrating him even more.

I now come into the kitchen and pick up the wand. His face lights up like a christmas tree and he proceeds to dance around the room trying to get the feathers. This attention draws her out of the bedroom and she sits prettily on the floor and watches the display. He flips and spins and dances around and around. I wave it in front of her and she reaches for it with both paws in the air. Suddenly she stops. Oh gawd forbid should she get caught enjoying herself. She starts licking her paws while trying to ignore him. Not working little kitty. Not working.

He sees what she is trying to do. He then slithers his way over to where she sits. She takes a swat and he once again ducks out of it. Hes getting smarter. Not by much because he turned and the next one connects and he tumbles. Hes such a chatterbox and proceeds to tell her off. She huffs and starts to walk back into the bedroom. On the way in, she swats at his tinkle ball and sends him scurrying across the room. With this she takes a dash to the bed and he follows.
He reaches it about the same time she does and she spins and arches her back. Whoops. He darts off the bed and goes back to playing with the feather wand. She ignores him and curls up on a pillow. I take this as a sign to prepare for bed. I send him out to the livingroom with his wand and the ball. I in turn close my door and crawl under the blanket. Once again, just like the night before, I hear the sounds of tinkle, tinkle. bang on my door.

Yep, yet another sleepless night.


Blogger ELISE said...

wow i don't believe i managed : i read the whole text from the beginnig to the end! i really like it ! nice blog!

10:40 AM  

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