Friday, October 15, 2010

Its Called Climate Control....

Its called Climate Control.....

I could be talking about the weather. But then again, I might not be.

I think we can officially call it Fall... or Autumn. Which ever you prefer. I like calling it Fall because not only do the leaves fall, but so does the thermostat. Im not sure how they work it here but the heat hasnt kicked on at all. I called the landlord and he hasnt called back. I will call again in the morning but damnit, Im cold. I never bitch about the cold but I am now. The rain and the winds outside dont help much either. Its cold out there too.

It rained all day and its supposed to rain all night. Mom made it to Florida just in time because the little radar screen in showing mixed weather and some light snow in the higher areas. That includes the Catskills. Im sure she is heartbroken that she didnt get to see the snow fall. Oh look, there is that word again. Its why they call it Fall.

I am also having another issue with this weather lately. Like I said, I dont normally complain, but I am now. About a year or so ago, one of the little climate control knobs in my car broke. I have three knobs. One to control the fan, one to control the heat, and one to control the option of heat and airconditioning. The one that broke was the one that controls the heat and airconditioning. So I have been taking the one off the temperature and putting it on the other one to be able to turn it and then putting it back.

The other morning, there was some frost on my car windows. Of course, the knob was on the temperature one and it was set to cold because the other setting was on the AC spot. Murphy must have something against my set of laws because you will never guess what happened next. Yep, you guessed it. I took the knob off and put it on the other one to turn the AC off and it broke. Now what am I supposed to do at 7:30 in the morning and I have to be on the road on my way to work?

There was only one thing that I could do. I took the knob off and threw it on the floor, said a few choice words and then turned the temperature thing with my fingers. I was able to get it to the heat setting. When I tried to do that to the other one, I wasnt able to get it to move. So its stuck on AC and there is nothing coming out of the vents near the windshield. This isnt looking too good. I have a few more words for Murphy and then I turned all my AC vents upward in the hopes that I could thaw something out. I also used about a half a tank of washer fluid as well.

I made it to work on time but it was a hell of a trip. Usually you can only see out of the bottom of the windshield but this time, I could only see out of the top. Learn something new every day. It also doesnt help that Im driving right into the sunlight for the first half of the trip. I probably scared the hell out of some people standing on the sidewalk. But then again, I wouldnt know because I couldnt see!!!! People probably thought I was some blonde chick that couldnt figure out how to thaw out her car. Wrong, I figured out how to but I just didnt have the time to do it the right way. * rolls eyes *

Yesterday on my lunch break, I called some junk yards for some knobs. Its not like I could call a dealer. They dont make my brand of car anymore. Figures. Once they stop making them, thats when shit happens. Murphy strikes again. I called the one I prefer but no one answered. I figured that they were on lunch so I would call them back later. A friend suggested another one so I called them and I was told that they do have them but there is a $25 part charge. What? For a freaking knob? You have got to be kidding me. That would be $50 for two knobs. I guess I was thinking out loud because the man then told me that he would sell both of them to me for $30. Still, not happening. I thought out loud again because he then changed it to $25 for both. Nope, still not happening. But this time he said that I could just use my credit card over the phone and he would leave them in a little box by the door and I could come and get them later. I didnt give him a chance to let me think out loud this time. I just hung up the phone. If he heard me, he would have learned a new word or two.

Really I dont swear that often but I wasnt thrilled with the offer. So I called the first one again and this time someone answered. They must know me by now because she knew who I was. Either that or it was the caller ID. But she was very pleasant regardless. I told her what I needed and she said she would call me back if they had it. About an hour later, she called back and said she had two of them and that they would be $10 and I could come get them. I said that I was at work and she said to just stop in later and she would have them by the door and to slip a 10 through the key box. That works for me. So I now have two knobs and she has $10 for the morning. Im an honest person and I appreciate that she trusted me to do so. Then again, I was a customer for them a few times before so Im sure that played a part in it.

I havent put the knobs in yet. They are soaking in some KaBoom in the kitchen. Im not sure what is on them but it didnt come off with Windex. But at least the color matches.


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