Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Part 2

Its gone. The tree is gone. Such a wonder event to pull the neighborhood together. I woke up last Saturday morning to the doorbell ringing. Yeah Im a little late with this post but Ive been on vacation too. I will get to that post later.

Anywho, the doorbell rang and it was the contractor that was taking the tree down in the back yard. Which, by the way, is still back there on the ground in a bunch of pieces. Yes it was that big. Where was I... Oh yeah, the contractor. Well he wanted me to move my car. He had a grin so I knew what was up. I was so excited.

I move my car down the block and then ran back in to take a shower and all that good stuff. About 1pm, they started cutting the branches. The cut to about 15 feet from the top and then brought in a Blazer. They tied the tree to the Blazer and told everyone in the area to step aside.

Yeah this caused quite a gathering. People were out there in lawn chairs. I myself went to the corner across the street and joined that group. At about 2pm, the Blazer backed up and down came the tree. They dropped it in the street. It was such a wonderful moment that everyone cheered as it fell. The crazy lady stood on her porch and watched. Im sure she was a little upset to see it go.

But you know what? Its sort of weird without it being there. Not so much THE tree but a tree. No shade. Its really open. Maybe I will be generous and buy her a blue spruce to plant there instead. No mess that way and it would be a pretty tree. Im being sincere.

I tried to post the pictures up as a Before and After link but it didnt work.

So you will have to copy and paste them.



Someone please explain to me how to post them without the actual photo showing.


Blogger fermicat said...

I think a blue spruce tree would look marvelous in that spot. And here's to you having far fewer allergic reactions in the future...

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The windows are open and its been beautiful outside. Feels good to enjoy the outdoors. :D

12:30 PM  
Blogger wa11z said...

Effin' tree...

9:14 PM  

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