Friday, May 12, 2006 makes people wonder what you are up to.

Sunday, February 19, 2006 makes people wonder what you are up too.

Current mood: Entertained

As you all know, Im not a vane person. No, no, no, post counts dont count in here. LOLOL But anyways, I went out yesterday shopping and I wanted to get a couple of things. I am particular about my hair. And being that I havent had a haircut in well over a year, I like to make sure its well taken care of. So I got some new shampoo and conditioner. But this isnt what Im writing about. See what happens when I get off track?

So another thing that I decided to try is the whitening strips. First thing I would like to mention is these are not for the weak or the timid. If you cant handle the taste of peroxide or try to be able to hold alot of saliva in your mouth for a half an hour, please dont try this at home. This is a challenge that the weak cannot accomplish. I guess Im one of the strong because I didnt drool at all. Im good at this. No comments from the peanut gallery on that one. I know what you are thinking. But thats another thing I guess Im strong at but thats also another story.

So now here we are reading the instructions on the box. It goes on about how to put these things on and it even shows pictures. Easy enough. Riiiight. Trust me, these things dont stay like that for the whole 30 minutes. But if you are strong, you wont make a mess. Stop getting those kinds of thoughts in your head.

So now I read on about teeth sensitivity. No big deal. I can chew icecubes so thats not a major concern to me. No, no ,no.... those thoughts about ICE arent in this process either. For those of you that know what ICE means. LOLOL

Ok, now comes the true test. Actually using these things. Now you are probably thinking, why would I need them when I already have white teeth? Well, I would like them to be whiter. Im very conscious about my mouth. Dont ask me why but Im particular about hygiene. A clean mouth is very important. For social reasons of course. *smooch*

So I take the little packets out of the box and there are two kinds. One for the top and one for the bottom. So I put them in as instructed. Ok, this is going to be fun. So I clamp my jaw shut. Yeah I know, this is a hard task for me to do. *rolleyes* I know what you are thinking. So then I figure that I need to stay like this for 30 minutes. Yep, get out those calendars because this is going to be record.

I step into the shower and Im washing up. I know whats going through your mind. I do this daily so this is nothing new. So anyways, Im washing my hair and I have to lean my head back to rinse. I can feel the saliva in my mouth building up. Yeah, this is going to be fun. I lean forward to shave (yes I do that) and now the saliva has moved to the front of my mouth. But Im determined. My tongue is now starting to cramp because its pushed to the back of my mouth. Oh the hell with it. I cant let this happen. So I move it. Wow, that shot of peroxide hit me like a ton of bricks. My cheeks now look like a chipmonk. So I opened my mouth a little to breathe. That wasnt fun so I closed it quick.

Ten minutes later I am out of the shower and still with my mouth closed. So Im trying to do all those normal things I do every day after a shower and its just not happening. But Im determined to do this. The one thing I worry about is blowdrying my hair. I have to put my head upside down for this. The feeling I got from that is like drinking soda and having the carbonation hit the back of your nose. Not like spewing from reading the Join Me thread, but a whole new sensation. Not a pleasant one though.

Now the 30 minutes are up. Yay and I can take these out of my mouth. Ok, that wasnt pleasant either. Its like going to the dentist and after he is done working on your mouth, he tells you to rinse and spit. Now dont you tell me that you have never experienced this. The first thing that goes through my mind is Bill Cosby talking about that and his line was, "Oh look, a rainbow".

This is one thing that you need to do in the bathroom while alone. I know with most of my friends, they would have made me laugh by now and the whole process would have been a ruined mess. Probably funnier after that too but thats not the point.

So I rinse my mouth and yes there is a change in the brightness of my teeth. Im happy with the results. Now I read the box again and it says that I have to do this twice a day for 7 days. Are you frelling kidding me?


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