Obsession Part 3

Here is where it gets a little interesting. This particular stop was one of the places I had called earlier about a trunk. She had one advertised and when I called she told me that a man was there for it. But she then told me that she had another one that she might be willing to part with. So I figured that I would make this stop to see what it was. The original one she had was still there. Apparently the man didnt want that type. It was a black metal one that would go ont he back of an old car. Not what I was looking for either. The other one she had was a large metal one that was an ugly color green. But it was clearly marked that it came from Italy. How interesting but not interested. I want an old wooden one. So we bought some books for Cami there and moved on the the next one.
On my little list of sales, I did have a couple of places that were near the final trunk that also advertised trunks for sale. But we still had a lot of time before going to get the brown one. So we hit a few more sales and then moved south. I decided to hit those two first before any of the others. The first one was on a long back road way out in the middle of nowhere. We pulled up to a small house in the weeds and parked the Blazer. Immediately a grey trunk caught my eye. I went over and looked at it and took out the cash to buy it on the spot. It was then taken to the Blazer and locked inside. The trunk was in excellent condition. Tray inside and very clean. There were two old ladies there and they told me that the trunk once belonged to their brother and it was in his attic for many many years. These women were so fun to talk to and we looked at other things they had to sell. I picked up a couple of other items and Kim did as well. But what was interesting was that one of the ladies told me that a man was there at about 7am to get the trunk. She said he was there specifically for that. But being that the sale didnt start til 9am, they told him no early birds and sent him on his way. He said he would be back later for it. Well too late for him because its mine now.
Off we went back down that back road towards the second sale in that area. It was about five more miles down another road. But this one was a multi family so there was sure to be something there. I asked about the trunk that was advertised and the man told me that another man was there about half an hour ago to buy it. He also told me that it wasnt in the best of shape and needed a lot of work. But the man took it anyway. He said that he had to go back to another place to pick one up. Hmmm. I think I got that one first. Wont he be surprised. But my thoughts earlier were now confirmed. There was someone going around grabbing at them all. I have no idea what the big deal was though.
But I was pretty darn happy right about now. I have a trunk. A nice one that wont need a lot of work. The canvas was in pretty good shape. The inside was clean. The tray needed to be fixed a little but nothing that some glue couldnt do. I was satisfied. But I still have the brown one as well. I patted the envelope in my pocket because I knew that what I wanted was going to happen.
We decided to go to lunch. We were all hungry and wanted a bathroom bad. We were going to go to McDonalds but thought that Subway was a better choice when you are out on the road. McDonalds always seems to either sit in your stomach like a rock or it makes you want to constantly have to use the bathroom. In not so nice a way though. So Subway was the choice.
After that it was time to head over to get my brown trunk. We pulled up to the front of the house and there was a man there mowing the lawn. He asked if I was who I am and I said yes. He then went inside and came out with the trunk. It was in near perfect condition. The canvas was clean. The handles were original and strong. He carried it by the handles. The inside was clean. He said that it was his wifes aunts trunk and that they were using it for about 10 years or so. I handed him the cash and he handed me some rope. This trunk would be going up on the roof of the Blazer. I felt bad for it though. I didnt want anything to happen to it so far from home. But thats about all we could do. I knew I should have brought a blanket with me.
By the time we finished strapping the trunk down, the lady pulled up and came over to talk to me. She told me that she is happy that her aunts trunk will be going to a good home. I assured her that nothing bad would happen to it. Then she told me that a man was there to buy the trunk soon after I had originally called. She told him that the trunk was sold and he was then offering higher prices. She knew something wasnt right about it all so she hung up on him. I told her that she made a good choice because who knows what would have happened to it. This man obviously has something he is doing with all these trunks. Im still not understanding why though. The resale on them isnt all that high unless you are ripping them apart to restore them. And that takes a huge amount of time and work. Especially for that many trunks. I just dont get it.
So now I have three trunks and Im happy. More than happy. Im beyond thrilled. And these latest two dont require really any work to be done on them. That makes it what I wanted in the first place. One I could just clean up and put my stuff away in. And that is exactly what I did. They now sit in my spare room with things in them. The small one is out in my dining room and I know I have some work to do on that one. But that blog will come later when I actually start that process.
But my yard sale travels werent over yet. After we headed for home, I said that there was one more place that I wanted to go to. This one advertised music equipment. Remember that my daughter plays the guitar and the violin. I was curious as to what sort of stuff these people would have. I was more interested in a music stand to be exact.
We pulled up to the house and something felt odd. Not a bad odd, but a good odd. Like I was supposed to come to this place. I get these feelings now and then and this one was a sure thing. We went to the door and a lady let us all in. There was a man standing in the kitchen area. This was an estate sale. Everything goes. The lady informed us that they were moving to Florida and wouldonly be taking the bare minimum. A few keepsakes would be kept and they were already on the way there with the moving van. Everything else that was left in the house would be gone.
So we made our way to the kitchen first. I recognized the man. I didnt say anything at first because he was talking to other people that were there to buy stuff. So I wandered around for a bit before I heard my name. It was the man asking if I was who I was. Well of course I am. Then it hit me who he was. My former neighbor when my mom and stepdad had the house had a band. This was one of the guitarists from the band. Skip has long passed away a few years ago but it was nice to see his old guitars and friends. It was a sad moment but we soon turned it into some happy memories. Cami asked him if she could hold some of the guitars and he let her. They talked about music and how shes learnign to play. She noticed a music stand and asked if it was for sale. He told her that he is impressed with her love for music and then handed it to her and told her to take good care of it.
Now it was time to go home. It was an exhausting day and I was ready for a nap. I succeeded in getting two really nice trunks in great condition. Im happy and very pleased.
Glad to read that you got all that you wanted. :)
Sounds like this other fellow is out to corner the market, in order to make a trunk call, maybe? :D
...Okay, I'll get my hat and coat. LOL
It was just way to weird. I didnt get it. I didnt see the really big market in it. I just wanted something to put my blankets in. LOL
BC, you know of any links about the stories behind these steamer trunks?
It's just that I want to create a longer poem about steamer trunks, so as to bring back a little bit of nostalgia about these objects into people's minds once more.
Im not really sure. I know that I have been to every restoration site I can. There will be more postings on this obsession because I am in current possession of 8 trunks now.
Alot of the restoration sites contain history and also who made them. Try a site like http://www.brettunsvillage.com/
The owner has a really good sense of humor. Even on the product lists.
where were you 5 years ago! I had two liner trunks (I think that is what they are called) complete with the drawers, rack for hanging stuff and special made hangers! I even had the bent keys for the locks! One was marked 1921 and the other 1808~~~~!!!! Grrr. They are now in a landfill in Georgia somewhere, I got tired of using them as coffee tables~ I still have the black singer sewing machine in its table with cloth wrapped cord??
Welcome to my little blog. Im sure you will find something entertaining here. :o)
Whoa!! You could have gotten some cash for those. When I mentioned my obsession to my uncle about 3 months ago, he said he saw two humpbacks on the side of the road for trash night.
My mom used to have one of those old sewing machines that once belonged to my grandmother. She used it all the time but then sold it to a dealer when they sold the house and moved to Florida. Surprisingly, I was able to use that machine better than the new one she bought me a couple of years ago. I tried to use it by setting the bobbin with thread and ended up throwing the bobbin somewhere in the front room and have yet to date find it. LOL
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