Friday, July 18, 2008

The Molanator

Here comes the Molanator!!

Just for starters, I checked the spelling of this and its spelled so many different ways so I just went with this one. If you dont know the reference, ask Tim Allen. Hes the one that said it. The reference is that the Tooth Fairy is a guy that doesnt want to be called a fairy. He he he....

So anywho, this post is obviously going to contain some reference to this. Yes, she has lost yet another tooth. I shouldnt laugh but it was a funny 2 weeks with this damn tooth. As we all well know, shes a drama queen at best. She came running to me one night (after no sleep the previous night) about a loose tooth. I thought she was joking because she just recently lost one. Well, sure enough, it was loose. Its the one right next to the one she previously lost. Getting closer to losing those molars.

One thing that bugs the hell out of me is that she has friends in school that tell her that the tooth fairy doesnt exist. We all know that when we were kids, the tooth fairy would leave us a quarter or some sort of change for a tooth. Well inflation and gas prices have changed all that. Not that the tooth fairy has gas or anything. Im sure she might after a late night visit to Taco Bell or something. But thats a different story. And one Im not telling. But these kids also tell her that the tooth fairy leaves them anywhere from $5 to $20 for a tooth. Are you out of your freakin mind? I cant afford that.

So she got $3 for the last tooth. I keep telling her that her friends are bullshitting her. Hey, it saves me on my gas allowance. Well anyways, the last couple of weeks, this tooth has been so loose that it should have just fell out. But it wouldnt. It was being held on really tight. Even sucking on a wash cloth wasnt helping. She would sit in her room and wiggle it for hours and nothing helped. But I could tell that it was bothering her. But also the drama queen made a few appearances too. Every excuse to stay up half the night.

So tonight I had just about enough of it. But there is more to this tale for today. She was a total brat today. But I really shouldnt say that because she really was sick. But I will start with last week with this illness. My father has been really sick for that past few weeks. He was given a medication that he had to take for a few weeks for some zap thing that they were going to do to his heart. But the medication made him a little sick to his stomach. Little did I know that he was at the VA ER one night and they gave him a medication to lower his blood pressure. That place alone is enough to raise your blood pressure. I know it does to me. Can you tell that I really dont like the place?

So of course the VA sends him more of this medication. The one that lowers the blood pressure. And of course he keeps taking it even though his blood pressure was fine. So it was going extremely low. There were some more trips to the VA ER. Well last Friday, he called me up and wanted me to take him to the ER again. He said he felt a pain in his chest and that he was dizzy. So I rushed over there and picked him up. Literally. He was sitting on a bench outside when I pulled up and he was slumped over. I got him in the car and hit the Thru-way. He slumped over 4 times in my car. Now this is scaring the shit out of me and of course Cami is freaking out in the back seat.

We get to the VA and I take him inside to the ER department. He gets checked in but doesnt say anything to the nurse. So, of course, I speak up. I dont think he likes it too much when I do that because he has it in his head that "these are trained doctors and they know what they are doing". Imagine that. I really do hate this place.

After they get him all checked in and wired up to some bleep blooping things, I called the doctor aside and talked to him. I told him everything from the past few weeks and he then took some notes and went in to examine him. After a few hours, yes hours, he came back out to me and we talked some more. He noted that the medication for lowering his blood pressure should not have been sent to his house for him to continue taking. Well duh, I could have told him that. Oh wait, I did tell him that. He told him to no longer take that medication and that Im to dispose of it so that he cant.

He was able to go home and I got him all ready to leave. Cami was a real trooper all day and I gave her all the credit in the world for being so patient. During our visit there she only whined once that she was bored. So we took a little walk outside and sat on one of the benches in the little park there. I finished reading a story to her that I had started in the waiting room. It was funny because the old people waiting to be seen were listening to me read. I think they will be a little upset that they didnt get to hear how the story ended. It was one of the Captain Underpants books. I think they really liked the part about the Gerbil Jogger 2000. Dont ask. Just go read it yourselves. Its a fun book about Professor Pippy Pee Pee Poopypants. Once again, dont ask.

So anyways, I took my father home and got him settled in. After that I asked Cami if she would like something to eat since we missed lunch. Now mind you that her medication makes her a little sick to her stomach in the mornings and she usually isnt hungry for lunch. Its about 3pm and she was hungry now. So she asked if I would take her to McDonalds. I said that I would and off we went. I got about 3 blocks away and she said she felt sick so I pulled over. She dry heaved for a few minutes and told me to go on. I wanted to take her home but she was dead set on McDonalds.

So I got about 3 blocks from McDonalds and she wanted me to pull over again. This time she emptied her stomach and told me to go home. So thats what I did. Poor kid. Once home, she took a little nap.

Last Saturday was Christmas in July at the camp. We had a great time and Santa was very generous. It was also a great thing that after all was said and done, one of Mousies friends came to our site and sat by the fire with us. After being there for a little while, Cami asked him if he knew Santa. He said he did and asked why. Cami replied, "because you sound just like him." Im wondering if she figured it out that this was the man that played him earlier in the day but I just let it go and we moved on. It would be really hard to explain to her that during the summer, Santa spends his time at our site having a beer.

Now I bring you back up to Monday. Monday was a pain in the ass day. Cami had an appointment with her ADHD doctor. I was considering a new medication for her because, even though this one worked, it didnt work long enough. And she also had issues with still not sleeping all night. But there was a problem that morning. The power went out. I was in the shower when this happened and there was no way I could be able to take her. So her father took her instead.

When she came home, I was told that she would be starting a new medication. But also the doc wanted Cami to be evaluated by a specialist. Hmmmmm I thought thats what this doctor was for. But I guess Im wrong. I know she is ADHD and Im guessing a little ODD in there too. Not odd but ODD. I know what you were thinking. But anyways, we set up the appointment to do this. It just so happens to be the next day. Which is a good thing. But there was a bad part to this. She cant be on any medications to be tested properly. Ooookkkkk. Yeah this should be fun.

Oh I should also include that her doctor also wants the specialist to check for bipolar. And also the doctor wants to speak to me about things in my past that would have triggered this in Cami. Im really thinking that this lady is a quack. I know that all this stuff is passed through the generations but my past (partying and my fathers drinking) would have nothing to do with this. And also bipolar usually doesnt show up in kids until they start puberty. Im sorry but Im really not that stupid and also I brought this up to DB and he informed me on alot of that as well.

So after the testing and alot of bouncing around this mans office, she was formally tested as ADHD and ODD with a sleep disorder. I knew this. So that doctor called Cami's doctor and recommended a different sleep medication for her. Ok. Im willing to try anything that will allow her to sleep. Later her doctor called me and set up another appointment. But Im running out of the clonidine for her to sleep. Ive been trying to contact her again to get more but shes not calling me back. Even the pharmacy and the primary docs are calling too and they are getting nothing. So the primary was able to get me some to tie her over for a few nights.

Now we are back up to today. Shes been on the new med for a couple of days and it seems to be working well. Its lasting alot longer and its really been a great help to her. But this morning, she woke up feeling a little ill. She ate her breakfast and then took her pill. This one is a once daily pill. Well about half hour later, she threw up. And that meant the pill was gone. So she took another one. Then about 3 hours later, she threw up again. But this time there was no pill in there so I was hoping she would be ok for the rest of the day. If not, then Im in for some fun with the drama queen all day.

About noonish, my father calls and wants me to come over to move some boxes in the closet. OK. But I told him that Cami wasnt feeling all that well and that we wouldnt be able to stay too long. Ok. Not a bad thing. So we went over and I took care of the boxes. Cami seems to be feeling ok and she was playing cards with grandpa. He decided that he wanted something to eat so that means that we are going out to lunch. Im not sure about how shes feeling but she said she was hungry. Mind you that she was unmedicated the night before and was up til 4am.

So we get to the mall and she needed to use the bathroom. She threw up in there. During lunch, she made a few more trips to the bathroom and these times it was the other end that was giving her hell. Oh joy. But I will say that she ate most of her lunch so that was a good sign that she was feeling a little better.

Now we come to continue the beginning of the post. The tooth fairy. Her tooth was bothering her all day and also the drama queen was in full effect. She was able to have some clonidine tonight so I was hoping that she would be passing out soon. Sure enough that about 7pm, she was all groggy and slurring her words but she wasnt about to go to sleep. She got up about 4 times to tell me to pull her tooth.

I had just about enough of it and got a wash cloth and my pliers out. Im serious. This tooth was coming out. It was barely hanging there and really should have come out over a week ago. So a few minutes later and a little bit of whining, the tooth was pulled. After that, she was jumping for joy and all over the house. Even the dog was in hiding.

Once again, she wrote a note to the tooth fairy. It said...

Dear Tooth Fairy,

Please take my tooth and give me $5 for a magazine.

Love Cami

Are you for real? I told her that she cant ask for money. And she really didnt ask for it. But she did say please. But this time it doesnt count. So I made her rewrite the letter. This time she just said to please take the tooth. So as any good tooth fairy would do, she took the tooth out of the envelope and put $3 inside. She also replied to the note...

Dear Cami,

Please brush your teeth more often. Your breath stinks.

Love The Molanator


Blogger wa11z said...

Haha, funny story. I wasn't aware of the Molanator...

10:01 PM  

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