Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Here we go again..........

Tomorrow is the first day of school for me. Cami doesnt go until Thursday. So tomorrow morning I have to be up at 5am. Yeah. Can you imagine how hard that will be when Ive been used to staying up til 2? This is going to suck. Im actually very nervous. Not in the fact that I will be getting my assignments tomorrow but for the meeting at 7am. We have to all meet at Proctors Theater. All staff has to report. This will be interesting as hell to find extra parking for about 4000 people downtown. I cant wait.

After the meeting we all report to our schools after a brief lunch break. Then we have another meeting there. Oh the joy. But I am excited to find out where I will be and who I will be working with. I just may move up to first grade. Whoohoo.

I was looking over the papers and I noticed the lunch menu for Thursday. French toast sticks and syrup is one of the main choices. Are you out of your mind? Do these people have any idea what that is like for the teachers? The kids love this but for us its a mess. Nothing like having your kids covered in sticky syrup with their new school clothes. Look mom, this is what I ate today. But then there are some parents that will prolly save that shirt. You know, the ones from the pre-k and the kindergarten. Wierd.

But for the staff, its a nightmare. When they are serving anything that comes with any form of a sauce, you always wear dark clothing. I know that the sticky hugs are coming. If they serve speghetti, then you can guarentee that there will me handprints on the back of my shirt or on my sleeves when they tug on me for a napkin. You can tell them a million times to not to touch you but thats like a magnet. That and puddles.

I miss the kids though. I miss the glue and the glitter and the whining and the .... wait. Not the whining. But I miss the hugs. And I miss the smiles. So tonight I sit here wondering if I will be able to sleep. Prolly not. But then tomorrow I find out everything.

I will keep you posted on what happens. And dont forget that after school on Thursday, I have to take Cami to the doctors too. This should be alot of fun.

Why am I still so nervous?


Blogger wa11z said...

School makes everybody nervous. Even reading about it makes me nervous. Yikes!!

8:17 PM  
Blogger ctheokas said...

Wait wait wait wait wait... there's a 5 A. M.??? I thought 5 only came around in the afternoon?

10:26 AM  

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